Hey there, friend! Happy June from PTG Tech Talk, where we have one very serious question: Where have our spring months gone??
Anyway, we’re back this month to talk about how outdated tech can hurt your business. Yes, we know sometimes these devices seem like they were built to live forever, but for the most part, there are solid timelines you should follow to replace the tech around your office. More on that soon.
A survey found that U.S. businesses lose up to $1.8 billion each year in wasted productivity due to obsolete technology. Consider also that a recent Microsoft survey found over 90 percent of people said that dealing with a company that uses outdated technology would cause them to consider taking their business elsewhere due to concerns over security, privacy or user-friendly convenience.
With those stats in mind, let’s check out:
🔄Swapping Old for New
📰 Don't let your tech go South(west)
💾 Risks of running outdated systems
Swapping out old for new
Look, we’re going to sound like a broken record, but you’ve got to upgrade your old tech regularly, just like you’re updating your applications. If you aren't upgrading your apps regularly, we can help you set up systems to do that automatically: Patch Management Can Save Your Business: Here's How. Here is a quick chart covering common tech that needs regular updating from your business:
📱 Mobile Devices (Phones, Tablets, etc.): 2 years
💻 Laptops: 2-4 years (depending on manufacturer & OS)
🔋 Laptop Batteries: 1.5-2 years
🖥️ Desktop Computers: 3 years (best resale value)
🏢 On-Premises Storage: 3-5 years, ideally more frequently than not.
🖲️ Network Equipment (Servers, switches, etc): 5 years
Don't let your tech go South(west)
Here’s the part where we take the abstract and make it real. Not only are major companies being sued for their out-dated tech affecting business, but hackers aiming to take from your business truly relish the opportunity to sink their teeth into this aged hardware. Let’s dig a little deeper.
✈️ Southwest Airlines Sued for Outdated Technology. The lawsuit says that the airline has ignored the "serious risks" associated with its outdated technology infrastructure and support systems, which are crucial for the performance, reliability, and security of its operations. The system outage resulted in the shutdown of the national pilot alert system, causing significant delays to approximately 17,000 flights worldwide. The FAA attributed the failure to outdated technology, an issue it has been struggling to modernize for the past decade.
💾 Vulnerabilities from the past continue to be exploited if left unpatched. The report reveals that known vulnerabilities, some dating back to 2017, are still being successfully exploited in widespread attacks due to organizations' failure to patch or remediate them effectively. Reactive post-event cybersecurity measures are proving ineffective in mitigating risks. To combat the exploitation of known vulnerabilities, organizations need to adopt a preventive security approach and prioritize exposure management to proactively address vulnerabilities before they are targeted by attackers.
🆓 If you are looking for more ways to proactively protect your business from disruptions, here are a couple free resources:
Using outdated operating systems and servers can have severe consequences, even if they appear to be functioning fine. When systems reach their end of service, they no longer receive support and critical security patches. This makes outdated tech vulnerable to hackers and can even make them non-compliant with regulations like HIPAA.
Dive deeper into our full blog post for comprehensive insights, expert tips, and actionable steps to secure your digital infrastructure. Upgrade, migrate, and stay ahead to ensure smooth operations and maintain customer trust. Don't miss out on valuable information that can save you from hefty fines and potential cybersecurity threats.
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